Executive Summary

Income Tax

  • Section 10(46) Of the Income-Tax Act, 1961-Exemptions–Statutory body/Authority/Board /Commission – Notified Body or Authority.
  • Amendment in Form No. 27Q.
  • Special provision for collection of Tax at Source for Non-Filer of Income Tax Returns u/s 206CCA
  • Special provision for Deduction of Tax at Source for Non-Filer of Income Tax Return u/s 206AB


Goods And Service Tax (GST)

  • Filing of information by manufacturers of Pan Masala and Tobacco taxpayers


Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws

  • Clarification Regarding Notification Pertaining to Restricting Import of Specific Items


  • Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees Recommendation Guidelines 2024
  • SEBI amends Insider Trading norms, mandates Compliance Officer to approve/reject trading plan within 2 days of receipt
  • SEBI modifies duration for call auction in pre-open session for IPOs and relisted scrips


Income Tax

Section 10(46) of the Income Tax Act, 1961- Exemption- Statutory body/ Authority/ Board/ Commission – Notified Body or Authority.

  • The Central Government hereby notifies the Mathura Vrindavan Development Authority, an authority constituted under the Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning Development Act, 1973 (President’s Act 11 of 1973), for the purposes of the (46) clause of Section 10.


  • This notification shall be effective from the assessment year 2024-25, subject to the condition that the assessee continues to be an authority constituted under the Uttar Pradesh Urban Planning Development Act, 1973 with one or more of the purposes specified in sub-clause (a) of clause (46A) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act




  • The Central Government hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, ‘Real Estate Appellate Tribunal, Punjab’ (PAN AAALR2230D), a body constituted by the Government of Punjab, in respect of the following specified income arising to that body, namely: —
  1. Levy of fees/charges/fines collected under The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (Central Act No. 16 of 2016) and Punjab State Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017.
  2. Government Grants
  3. Interest on Bank Deposits
  • This notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that Real Estate Appellate Tribunal, Punjab –
  1. shall not engage in any commercial activity
  2. its activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial years
  3. shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub-section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
  • This notification shall be deemed to be applicable for Assessment Year 2023-2024 to Assessment Year 2027-2028.
  • Amendment in Form 27Q


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 295, read with sub-section (3) of section 200 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, The Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely: –

  • These rules may be called the Income-tax (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2024.
  • They shall come into force on the 1st day of July 2024.

In the Income-tax Rules, 1962, the following note shall be inserted in Form No. 27Q in the Annexure, under the heading “Verification” in the Notes, after Note No. 7 ––

  • ‘7A. Write “P” if lower deduction or no deduction is in view of notification issued under sub-section (1F) of section 197A.’.
  • Special provision for Collection of Tax at Source for Non-Filer of Income Tax Returns u/s 206CCA


  • Through Notification No. 46/2024/F.NO. 370142/8/2024-TPL dated 27.05.2024, Central Government notifies Reserve Bank of India to be a specified person to whom higher collection of Tax at Source will not be applicable as per Clause (ii) of the proviso to sub section (3) of Section 206CCA of Income Tax Act.
  • This notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.



  • Special provision for Deduction of Tax at Source for Non-Filer of Income Tax Returns u/s 206AB
  • Through Notification No. 46/2024/F.NO. 370142/8/2024-TPL dated 27.05.2024, Central Government notifies Reserve Bank of India to be a specified person to whom higher collection of Tax at Source will not be applicable as per Clause (ii) of the proviso to sub section (3) of Section 206AB of Income Tax Act.
  • This notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.


Extension of due date for Filing of Form 10F by Non-Resident having no PAN in India.

GSTFiling of information by manufacturers of Pan Masala and Tobacco taxpayers

Referring to the Notification No. 04/2024 – Central Tax dated 05-01-2024 to seek information from taxpayers dealing in the goods mentioned therein. Two forms have been notified vide this notification namely GST SRM-I and GST SRM-II. The former pertains to the registration and disposal of machines while the latter asks for information on inputs and outputs for a month.

Form GST SRM-I meant for registration of machines, has already been made available on the portal w.e.f. 15-05-2024. Concerned taxpayers are using the same for the registration of machines and other information asked therein.

Now, the second form namely, Form GST SRM-II is also available on the portal.  Taxpayers dealing in the manufacture of Pan Masala and Tobacco products can now report the details of inputs and outputs procured and consumed for the relevant month.



  • Clarification Regarding Notification Pertaining to Restricting Import of Specific Items


Directorate General of Foreign Trade has issued a policy circular for clarification regarding Notification No. 17/2024-25 dated June 11, 2024 pertaining to restricting import of specific items under ITC (HS) Codes 71131912, 71131913, 71131914, 71131915 and 71131960, Representations have been received from SEZ wherein it is clarified that import made by SEZ units (Other than FTWZ units) under the ITC (HS) Codes 71131912, 71131913, 71131914, 71131915 and 71131960 are outside the purview of this notification.


    Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code


  • Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees Recommendation Guidelines 2024


Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India has issued guidelines to provide the procedure for preparing panel of Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees:

  1. These guidelines may be called the Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) Guidelines, 2024
  2. The panel of IPs prepared as per these guidelines will be effective from 1st July 2024 to 31st December 2024.


Compliance Calendar - February 2024

  • SEBI amends Insider Trading norms, mandates Compliance Officer to approve/reject trading plan within 2 days of receipt


SEBI has notified the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024. As per the amended norms, the compliance officer must approve or reject the trading plan within 2 trading days of receiving it. Further, the compliance officer must notify the approved plan to the stock exchanges on which the securities are listed, on the day of approval. These regulations are effective from the 90th day of publication in the Official Gazette.


  • SEBI modifies duration for call auction in pre-open session for IPOs and relisted scrips


According to new modifications, the pre-open session for IPOs will be for a duration of 60 minutes i.e, from 9-10 am, out of which 45 minutes will be allowed for order entry, order modification and order cancellation and 10 minutes for order matching and trade confirmation.


Extension of due date for Filing of Form 10F by Non-Resident having no PAN in India.

Disclaimer: Information in this note is intended to provide only a general update on the subjects covered. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. KNM accepts no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication. Updates are for   the period 01.06.2024 to 30.06.2024



Executive Summary

Income Tax

  • Cost inflation Index (CII) under section 48 for financial year 2024-25
  • Exemption under section 10 (46) of Income of Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board subject to few conditions.
  • CBDT releases new functionality in AIS For Taxpayers.
  • CBDT issues guidelines for compulsory selection of Income-tax Returns (ITRs) for complete scrutiny during FY 2024-25


Goods And Service Tax (GST)

  • Advisory on launch of E-Way Bill 2 Portal
  • Information from manufacturers of Pan Masala and Tobacco taxpayer


Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws

  • Relaxation of Additional Fees and Extension of Last Date of Filing of Form No. LLP BEN 2 and LLP Form No. 4D under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  • RBI decides to regularize prior issuance of partly paid units by AIFs to non-residents via compounding under FEMA
  • SEBI strengthens risk management framework for Clearing Corporations (CCs);
  • SEBI updates Investor Charter for stock exchanges and depositories to include new services and guidelines
  • Master Circular for Issue and Listing of Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper

Income Tax

Income Tax

  • Cost inflation Index under section 48 For Financial Year 2024-25
  • In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (v) of the Explanation to section 48 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Central Government hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (ii) number O. 1790(E), dated the 5th June, 2017, namely: —
  • In the said notification, in the Table, after serial number 23 and the entries relating thereto, the following serial number and entries shall be inserted, namely: –




Sl. No. Financial Year Cost Inflation Index
(1) (2) (3)
“24 2024-25 363″


  • This notification shall come into force with effect from the assessment year 2025-26 and subsequent assessment years.


  • Exemption under section 10 (46) of Income of Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board subject to few conditions.


  • In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, ‘Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, Chennai’ (PAN: AAALT0834F), a Board constituted under the Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1970 (Tamil Nadu Act of 1971), in respect of the following specified income arising to the said Board, namely: —
  • Water charges for supply of water to recover the maintenance cost.
  • Centage charges received from local bodies work like water supply scheme and sewerage scheme to compensate for establishment charges.
  • Investigation and Detailed Project Report preparation charges for water supply and drainage scheme for establishment charges.
  • Interest earned on Bank Deposits.
  • This notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board, Chennai-


  • shall not engage in any commercial activity.
  • its activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial year(s); and
  • shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub-section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
  • This notification shall be applicable from AY 2024-25 to AY 2028-29.


  • CBDT Releases new functionality in AIS For Taxpayers

In AIS, taxpayers have been provided with a functionality to furnish feedback on every transaction displayed therein. This feedback helps the taxpayer to comment on the accuracy of the information provided by the Source of such information. In case of wrong reporting, the same is taken up with the Source for their confirmation, in an automated manner. It may be noted that information confirmation is currently made functional with regard to information furnished by Tax Deductors /Collectors and Reporting Entities.


The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has now rolled out a new functionality in AIS to display the status of information confirmation process. This will display whether the feedback of the taxpayer has been acted upon by the Source, by either partially or fully accepting or rejecting the same. In case of partial or full acceptance, the information is required to be corrected by filing a correction statement by the Source. The following attributes shall be visible to the taxpayer for status of Feedback confirmation from Source.

  • Whether Feedback is shared for confirmation: – This will let the taxpayer know if the feedback has been shared with the Reporting Source for confirmation or not.
  • Feedback Shared on: – This will let the taxpayer know the date on which the feedback has been shared with the Reporting Source for confirmation.
  • Source responded on: – This will let the taxpayer know the date on which the Reporting Source has responded on the feedback shared with it for confirmation.
  • Source response: – This will let the taxpayer know the response provided by the Source on the taxpayer’s feedback.


  • The CBDT has issued parameters and procedures for compulsory selection of ITRs during FY 2024-25, in below cases.


  • Cases pertaining to Survey u/s 133A of the Income-tax Act
  • Cases pertaining to Search & Seizure
  • Cases in which notice u/s 142(1) of the Income-tax Act has been issued, but no ITR has been furnished
  • Cases in which notice u/s 148 has been issued,
  • Cases relating to to registration / approval of charitable trusts / institutions claiming tax exemption
  • Cases involving addition in an earlier Assessment Year on a recurring issue of law / fact
  • Cases relating to specific information regarding tax evasion


Goods and Services Tax


  • Advisory on launch of E0way Bill 2 Portal:

GSTN is pleased to inform that NIC is releasing the E-Way Bill 2 Portal (https://ewaybill2.gst.gov.in) on 1st June 2024. This portal ensures high availability and runs in parallel to the e-way Bill main portal. The e-way bill 2 portal synchronizes the e-way bill details with main portal within a few seconds. The highlights of the portal are as follows-:

  • Presently, E-Way Bill 2 Portal provides the critical services of E-Way Bill system, and gradually it will be extended with other services of e-way bill system.
  • E-Way Bills can be generated and updated on the E-Way Bill 2 Portal independently.
  • E-Way Bill 2 portal provides the web and API modes of operations for e-way bill services.
  • The taxpayers and logistic operators can use the E-Way Bill 2 portal with the login credentials of the main portal.
  • The taxpayers and logistic operators can use the E-Way Bill 2 portal during technical glitches in e-way bill main portal or any other exigencies.
  • The Criss-Cross operations of printing and updating of Part-B of E-Way Bills can be carried out on these portals. That is, updating of Part-B of the E-Way bills of portal 1 can be done at portal 2 and vice versa.
  • In case E-Way Bill main portal is non-operational because of technical reasons, the Part-B can be updated to the E-Way Bills, generated at Portal 1, at portal 2 and carry both the E-way Bill slips.
  • For further details, please visit the e-way bill portals.


  • Information from manufacturers of Pan Masala and Tobacco taxpayers:

The government had issued a notification to seek information from taxpayers dealing in the goods mentioned therein vide Notification No. 04/2024 – Central Tax dated 05-01-2024. Two forms have been notified vide this notification namely GST SRM-I and GST SRM-II. The former pertains to registration and disposal of machines while the later asks information on inputs and outputs during a month.

To begin with, facility to register the machines have been made available on the GST Portal to file the information in Form GST SRM-I. All taxpayers dealing in the items mentioned in the said notification may use the facility to file the information about machines. Form GST SRM-II will also be made available on the portal shortly.



  • Relaxation of additional fees and extension of last date of Filing of Form No. LLP Ben 2 and LLP form no. 4D under The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notifed that relaxation of additional fees and extension of last date of filing of Form No. LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No. 4 under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 in the view of transition of MCA-21 from version- to version-3. These forms shall be filed without any addition fees upto July 01, 2024.



  • RBI decides to regularize prior issuance of partly paid units by AIFs to non-residents via compounding under FEMA

The Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) vide its circular dated May 21, 2024 (“Circular”) has required that issuance of partly paid-up units by Alternative Investment Funds (“AIFs”) to foreign investors prior to March 14, 2024, should be regularised through compounding under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (“FEMA”). Compounding by RBI is prescribed for the contravention of foreign exchange regulations as per Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000, and involve payment of a fees. In many instances, compounding requires payment of a monetary penalty to RBI.


Compliance Calendar - February 2024

  • SEBI strengthens risk management framework for Clearing Corporations (CCs)

SEBI has reviewed the existing collaterals accepted by CCs and specified the prudential norms for exposure of CCs. As per the amended norms units of growth plan of overnight mutual fund schemes shall be accepted as Cash Equivalent by CCs with a haircut of 5%. Earlier, a limit of 10% was specified. The 10% haircut remains unchanged for other overnight mutual fund plans. Further, the Prudential Norms for Exposure of CCs has also been specified. The circular shall be effective from 01st Aug, 2024.


  • SEBI updates Investor Charter for stock exchanges and depositories to include new services and guidelines

In November 2021, SEBI formulated the Investor Charter for Depositories/ Depository Participants (DPs) and Stock exchanges. It contains information on services provided to investors, such as grievance redressal mechanisms, rights and obligations of investors, etc. With the recent introduction of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform and SCORES 2.0 by SEBI, the Investor Charter has been updated to incorporate these new services.


  • Master Circular for Issue and Listing of Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper

The Securities and Exchange Board of India has consolidated all the applicable circulars/ directions at one place which are applicable for for Issue and Listing of Non-convertible Securities, Securitised Debt Instruments, Security Receipts, Municipal Debt Securities and Commercial Paper, till May 21, 2024.


Monthly Compliance Calendar

Disclaimer: Information in this note is intended to provide only a general update of the subjects covered. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. KNM accepts no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication. Updates are for    the period 30.05.2024.



Executive Summary

Income Tax

  • Clarification on Time Limit for verification of return of income after uploading.
  • Notification of Donations to certain funds, charitable institutions, etc under Section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961
  • Partial Modification of Circular No. 3 Of 2023, Dated 28-3-2023 regarding consequences of PAN becoming inoperative as per Rule 114AAA of the Income-Tax Rules, 1962
  • Section 10(46) of The Income-Tax Act, 1961 – Exemptions – Statutory Body/Authority/Board/Commission – Notified Body or Authority
  • Extension of Due Date for filing of Form 10A/10AB.

Goods And Service Tax (GST)

  1. Advisory Self Enablement For E-Invoicing
  2. Advisory on Reset and Re-filing of GSTR-3B of some taxpayers
  3. Advisory: Auto-populate the HSN-wise summary from e-Invoices into Table 12 of GSTR-1
  4. Section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 – Special Procedure for certain processes – Special Procedure to be followed by Registered Person engaged in manufacturing Notified Goods

Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws

  1. RBI issues revised master circular on ‘Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)


  1. SEBI Amends Alternative Investment Funds Regulations, 2012 | Introduces a New Regulation w.r.t ‘dissolution Period’.


  1. SEBI has removed the requirement to publish text on Contract Note with respect to Fit and Proper status of shareholders.

Income Tax

Income Tax

  • Clarification Time limit for verification of return of Income after uploading.
  1. The notification was issued by the DGIT(Systems) specifying the time limit for verification of Income Tax Return (ITR) as 30 days from the date of transmitting the data of ITR electronically.

It is clarified that:

  • Where the return of income is uploaded and e-verification/ITR-V is submitted within 30 days of uploading – In such cases the date of uploading the return of income shall be considered as the date of furnishing the return of income.
    • Where the return of is uploaded but e-verification or ITR-V is submitted after 30 days of uploading – In such cases the date of e-verification/ITR-V submission shall be treated as the date of furnishing the return of income and all consequences of late filing of return under the Act shall follow, as applicable.
    1. The duly verifed ITR-V in prescribed format and in the prescribed manner shall be sent either through ordinary or speed post or in any other mode to the following address only:

    Centralised Processing Centre,

    Income Tax Department,

    Bengaluru – 560500, Karnataka.

    1. The date on which the duly verified ITR-V is received at CPC shall be considered for the purpose of determination of the 30 days period from the date of uploading of return of income.



    1. It is further clarified that where the return of income is not verified within 30 days from the date of uploading or till the due date for furnishing the return of income as per the Income-tax Act, 1961 – whichever is later – such return shall be treated as invalid due to non-verification.
    2. This notification will come into effect from 1-4-2024.
    • Section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961- Deductions- Donations to certain funds, charitable institutions, etc.

    In the exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section 80G of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies “Shree Ramanuj Kot Laxmi Venkatesh Mandir” managed by Shree Ramanuj Kot Trust, Indore, Madhya Pradesh (PAN: AAATR0970L) to be place of historic importance and a place of public worship of renown throughout the state of Madhya Pradesh for the purposes of the said section.


    The Notification will be valid only for the renovation or repair of the “Shree Ramanuj Kot Laxmi Venkatesh Mandir” to the extent of Rs. 1,63,06,311/-(Rupees One Crore Sixty-Three Lakhs Six Thousand Three Hundred and Eleven only) and will cease to be effective after the said amount has been collected or on 31-3-2029, whichever is earlier

    • Partial Modification of Circular No. 3 of 2023, Dated 28-03-2023 in regard to consequences of PAN become in operative as per Rule 114AAA of the Income Tax Rules

    In partial modification and in continuation of circular no. 3 of 2023 hereby specifies that for the transactions entered into upto 31-03-2024 and in cases where the PAN becomes operative (as a result of linkage with Aadhaar) on or before 31-05-2024, there shall be no liability on the deductor/collector to deduct/collect the tax under section 206AA/206CC, as the case maybe, and the deduction/collection as mandated in other provisions of Chapter XVII-B or Chapter XVII-BB of the Act, shall be applicable.


    • Section 10(46) of The Income-Tax Act, 1961 – Exemptions – Statutory Body/Authority/Board/Commission – Notified Body or Authority
    1. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, ‘Kerala Autorickshaw Workers Welfare Fund Scheme, Kollam’ (PAN: AAATK3080E), a Board constituted by the Government of Kerala, in respect of the following specified income arising to the said Authority, namely: —
    • Grant received from the State Government of Kerala.
    • Contribution received from the workers registered as members in the Scheme.
    • Contribution received from self-employed persons and employers for workers, registering as members of the Scheme.
    • Registration Fees
    • Interest earned on Bank Deposits.
    1. This notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that Kerala Autorickshaw Workers Welfare Fund Scheme, Kollam, –
    • shall not engage in any commercial activity.
    • activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial years.
    • shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub-section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
    1. This notification shall be applied from assessment year 2024-25 to 2028-29.
    • Extension of Due Date for filing of Form 10A/10AB.

    CBDT extends the due date for filing of Form 10A/10AB under the Income Tax Act, 1961 up to 30th June 2024 in respect of certain provisions of section 10(23C)/ section 12A/ section 80G/ and section 35 of the Act.

Goods and Services Tax



  • Self-Enablement For E- Invoicing:


The Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, introduced that if your turnover exceeds INR 5 crores in the financial year 2023-2024, you will be required to start e-Invoicing from the next financial year, i.e., from 1st April 2024 onwards. It may also be noted that the same is applicable if the threshold is crossed in any of the proceeding financial years too.


For those who meet the notification criteria but have not yet been enabled on the portal, you can self-enable for e-Invoicing by visiting https://einvoice.gst.gov.in and start reporting through any of the 4 new Invoice Registration Portals (IRPs) – from e-Invoice IRP 3 to e-Invoice IRP 6.


  • Reset and Re-filing of GSTR-3B of some taxpayers:

This has reference to the facility for re-filing of GSTR-3B for some of the taxpayers. It was noticed that there were discrepancies in the returns of some taxpayers during the filing process between the saved data in the GST system and filed data in the fields of ITC availment and payment of tax liabilities. The matter was examined and deliberated by the Grievance Redressal Committee of the GST Council and as a facilitation measure the Committee decided that these returns shall be reset, to give opportunity to such taxpayers to correct the discrepancy.

Accordingly, only the affected taxpayers have been communicated on their registered email-ids and the affected returns are visible on their respective dashboards for the purpose of refiling with the correct data. The taxpayers who have received such communication are requested to visit their dashboard and re-file their GSTR-3B within 15 days of receipt of such communication.




  • Auto-populate the HSN-wise summary from e-Invoices into Table 12 of GSTR-1

There is a new feature to auto-populate the HSN-wise summary from e-Invoices into Table 12 of GSTR-1 is now available on the GST portal. This allows for direct auto-drafting of HSN data into Table 12 based on e-Invoice data. The HSN-wise summary data auto-populated into Table 12 is intended for your convenience. Before its submission, kindly ensure to reconcile the data with records.

Any discrepancies or errors should be manually corrected or added to Table 12 before final submission.


  • Section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 – Special Procedure for certain processes – Special Procedure to be followed by Registered Person engaged in manufacturing Notified Goods

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, the Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following amendments in the Notification No. 4/2024-Central Tax, dated the 5th January, 2024 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii), namely: —


In the said notification, in para 4, for the words and letters “1st day of April, 2024”, the words and letters “15th day of May, 2024” shall be substituted.


This notification shall come into force from the 1st day of April 2024.



  • RBI issues revised master circular on ‘Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)


RBI has issued the revised Master Circular on ‘Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)’. This circular consolidates all instructions issued up to 23.04.2024. The purpose is to outline the RBI’s regulatory policy regarding the financing of NBFCs by banks. This circular applies to all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding RRBs). It highlights norms regarding bank finance to NBFCs registered with RBI, NBFCs not requiring registration and activities not eligible for bank credit.


Compliance Calendar - February 2024

  • SEBI Amends Alternative Investment Funds Regulations, 2012 | Introduces a New Regulation w.r.t ‘dissolution Period.’

SEBI has notified the SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2024. As per the amended norms, a new regulation 29B relating to the dissolution period has been inserted. It states that a scheme of an Alternative Investment Fund may enter a dissolution period in the manner and subject to the conditions specified by the Board. Further, SEBI has introduced definitions of ‘dissolution period’ and ‘encumbrance’ under Regulation 2 of existing regulations.


  • SEBI has removed the requirement to publish text on Contract Note with respect to Fit and Proper status of shareholders.

SEBI vide circular dated April 24, 2024, in order to promote ease of doing business has removed the requirement to publish text on Contract Note with respect to Fit and Proper status of shareholders. In lieu of text only a reference of the applicable regulation regarding fit and proper status of shareholders needs to be made part of the contract note.


Monthly Compliance Calendar

Disclaimer: Information in this note is intended to provide only a general update of the subjects covered. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. KNM accepts no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication. Updates are for    the period 30.04.2024.


Executive Summary


Income Tax

  • Section 10(46) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 – Exemptions – Statutory Body/Authority/Board/Commission – Notified Body or Authority.
  • Opening Of Income Tax Offices on Holidays to Facilitate Pending Departmental Work
  • Section 35(1)(ii) of the Income Tax Act 1961- Scientific Research expenditure – approved scientific research association/institution.
  • Section 194S of the Income Tax Act, 1961- Deduction of Tax at Source- payment on transfer of virtual digital asset.
  • Section 10(22B) of the Income tax Act, 1961- Exemptions – News Agency.
  • Revision of Interest rates for small savings scheme.
  • DTAA between the Republic of India and Kingdom of Spain.
  • No deduction of tax under section 80LA


Goods And Service Tax (GST)


  • Advisory on GSTR-1/IFF Introduction of New 14A and 15A tables.
  • Advisory on Integration of E-Waybill system with New IRP Portal.
  • Instances of Delay in registration reported by some Taxpayers despite successful Aadhar Authentication.

Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws.


  • SEBI issues safeguards to address investors’ concerns regarding transfer of securities in demat mode.


  • Master Direction on NBFC – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021


  • Section 10(46) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 – Exemptions – Statutory Body/Authority/Board/Commission – Notified Body or Authority.




  1. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, ‘Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority’ (PAN AAAGU0671E), an Authority constituted by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh, in respect of the following specified income arising to that Authority, namely: —

(a) Amount received as Grant-in-aid or loan/advance from Government

(b) Fee/penalty received from builders/developers, agents or any other stakeholders as per the provisions of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016

(c) Fee received under Right to Information Act, 2005; and

(d) Interest earned on bank deposits.

  1. This notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, –

(a) shall not engage in any commercial activity.s

(b) activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial years

(c) shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub-section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.


  1. This notification shall be deemed to have been applied from the Assessment Year 2021-2022.


  1. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, ‘Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board’ (PAN: AAATK5837F), a Board constituted under the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1973 (Karnataka Act No. 25 of 1974), in respect of the following specified income arising to that Board, namely:—

(a) Establishment, administrative, supervision, water charges and rent collected as per the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1973 (Karnataka Act No. 25 of 1974)

(b) Forfeiture of earnest money deposit as per the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1973 (Karnataka Act No. 25 of 1974);

(c) Penalty, Sale of Scrap, Storage charges and Survey charges as per the Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board Act, 1973 (Karnataka Act No. 25 of 1974) and

(d) Interest earned on bank deposits.

  1. This notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board-

(a) shall not engage in any commercial activity

(b) activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial years; and

(c) shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub-section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

  1. This notification shall be deemed to have been applied from Assessment Year 2021-2022.


  1. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies for the purposes of the said clause, ‘National Mission for Clean Ganga’, New Delhi (PAN AABAN3769K), an Authority constituted under the River Ganga (Rejuvenation, Protection and Management) Authority Order, 2016, in respect of the following specified income arising to that Authority, namely:

(a) Grants-in-Aid received from Government of India; and

(b) Interest earned on bank deposits.

  1. This notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that National Mission for Clean Ganga, New Delhi –

(a) shall not engage in any commercial activity;

(b) activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial years; and

(c) shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub-section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

  1. This notification shall be deemed to have been applied from Assessment Year 2021-2022.


  • Opening of Income Tax offices on holidays to facilitate pending departmental work.

The Financial Year 2023-24 closes on 31st March 2024, which is Sunday. Further, 30th March 2024 is a Saturday and 29th March 2024 is a closed holiday. Therefore, to facilitate completion of pending departmental work, all the Income Tax Offices throughout India shall remain open on 29th, 30th and 31st March 2024. This direction is issued for administrative convenience by the Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.


  • Section 35(1)(ii) of the Income Tax Act 1961- Scientific Research expenditure – approved scientific research association/institution.


  1. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), read with Rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, the Central Government hereby approves ‘National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar‘ (PAN: AAALN3742Q), ‘Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology’, Surat (PAN: AAAJS1184P) and ‘Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur’ (PAN: AAAJI0323G) under the category of ‘University, college or other institution’ for ‘Scientific Research’ for the purposes of clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, read with rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962.
  2. This Notification shall be applicable from Assessment Years 2024-25 to 2028-29.
  • Section 194S of the Income Tax Act, 1961- Deduction of Tax at Source-payment on transfer of virtual digital asset.


As per section 194S of the Income-tax Act, 1961, any person responsible for paying to any resident person any sum by way of consideration for the transfer of a virtual digital asset is required to deduct an amount equal to 1% of such sum as income tax thereon. Further, as per sub-rule (4D) of rule 31A, a specified person’ is required to report such deductions in a challan-cum-statement electronically in Form No. 26QE within thirty days from the end of the month in which such deduction is made.

It has come to the notice of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (‘the Board’) that specified persons who deducted tax under section 194S of the Act during the period from 1-7-2022 to 31-1- 2023, could not file Form No. 26QE and pay corresponding TDS on or before the due date, due to unavailability of Form No. 26QE. This has resulted in consequential levy of fee under section 234E and interest under clause (ii) of sub-section (1A) of section 201 of the Act. Further, the specified persons who deducted tax under section 194S during the period from 1-2-2023 to 28-2-2023 had insufficient time to file Form No. 26QE and pay corresponding TDS thereon.

To address the grievances of such specified persons, the Board has decided to extend the due date of filing of Form No. 26QE for specified persons who deducted tax under section 194S but failed to file Form No. 26QE. The due date is hereby extended to 30-5-2023 in those cases where the tax was deducted by specified persons under section 194S of the Act during the period from 1-7-2022 to 28-2-2023. Fee levied under section 234E and/or interest charged under section 201(1A) (ii) of the Act in such cases for the period up to 30-5-2023, shall be waived.


  • Section 10(22B) of the Income tax Act, 1961- Exemptions – News Agency.
  1. In exercise of the powers conferred by the clause (22B) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies the “The Press Trust of India Limited, New Delhi” as a news agency set up in India solely for collection and distribution of news, for the purpose of the said clause for two assessment years 2022-23 to 2023-24.
  2. The notification is subject to the condition that the news agency applies its income or accumulates it for application solely for collection and distribution of news and does not distribute its income in any manner to its members.
  • Revision of Interest rates for small savings scheme.

The rates of interest on various Small Savings Schemes for the first quarter of FY 2024-25 starting from 1st April 2024 and ending on 30th June 2024 shall remain unchanged from those notified for the fourth quarter (1st January 2024 to 31st March, 2024) of FY 2023-24.

  • Modification made in DTAA between Republic of India and Kingdom of Spain

In the said notification, in the Convention annexed therewith between the Republic of India and Kingdom of Spain, in Article 13 relating to Royalties and Fees for Technical Services, for paragraph 2, the following paragraph shall be substituted, namely: –

“2. However, such royalties and fees for technical services may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which they arise and according to the law of that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the royalties or fees for technical services, the tax so charged shall not exceed ten per cent of the gross amount of royalties or fees for technical services.”.

Paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the said Convention, as amended by this notification, shall be applicable with effect from the assessment year 2024-25.

  • No deduction of tax under section 80LA:

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1F) of section 197A read with subsection (1A) and sub-section (2) of section 80LA of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred as the Income-tax Act), the Central Government hereby notifies that no deduction of tax shall be made under the provisions of the Income-tax Act in respect of the payments made by any ‘payer’ to a person being a Unit of International Financial Services Centre, (hereinafter referred as ‘payee’), as specified in the notification.


  • GSTN Issues advisory on GSTR-1/IFF:

(Introduction of New 14A and 15A tables)

The Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, as per notification No. 26/2022 introduced two new Table 14A and Table 15A in GSTR-1 to capture the amendment details of the supplies made through e-commerce operators (ECO) on which e-commerce operators are liable to collect tax under section 52 or liable to pay tax u/s 9(5) of the CGST Act, 2017.

Now, these tables have been made live on the GST common portal and will be available in GSTR-1/IFF from February 2024 tax period onwards. These amendment tables are relevant for those taxpayers who have reported the supplies in Table 14 or Table 15 in earlier tax periods.




  • GSTN Issues advisory on Integration of E-Waybill system with New IRP Portals –

GSTN announced the successful integration of E-Waybill services with four new IRP portals via NIC, enabling taxpayers to generate E-Waybills alongside E-Invoicing on these four IRPs across all six IRPs.

This new facility complements the existing services available on the NIC-IRP   portal, making E-Waybill services, along with E-Invoicing, available across all six IRPs.


  • Instances of Delay in registration reported by some Taxpayers despite successful Aadhar Authentication in accordance with Rule 8 and 9 CGST, Rules, 2017

The Central Government In accordance with Rule 9 of the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Rules, 2017, pertaining to the verification and approval of registration applications, following is informed:

Where a person has undergone Aadhaar authentication as per sub-rule (4A) of rule 8 but has been identified in terms of Rule 9(aa) by the common portal for detailed verification based on risk profile, your application for registration would be processed within thirty days of application submission.

Necessary changes would also be made to reflect the same in the online tracking module vis-à-vis processing of registration application.


  • Master Direction on NBFC – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021


The Reserve Bank of India (the Bank), having considered it necessary in the public interest, and being satisfied that, for the purpose of enabling the Bank to regulate the financial system to the advantage of the country and to prevent the affairs of any Housing Finance Company (HFCs) from being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of investors and depositors or in any manner prejudicial to the interest of such HFCs, and in exercise of the powers conferred under sections 45L and 45MA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934


  • SEBI issues safeguards to address investors’ concerns regarding transfer of securities in demat mode.


Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has announced new safeguards on March 20, 2024, to address the concerns of the investors on transfer of securities in dematerialized (demat) mode. As per people privy to the matter, this has been done in order to prevent fraud by means of transferring shares from inactive demat account/accounts.



Executive Summary


Income Tax

  • Implementation of E-verification Scheme- 2021.
  • National savings Time Deposit (Amendment) scheme 2024
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Account (Amendment) Scheme 2024
  • The returns for AY 2020-21 which were not processed electronically can be processed by 31-01-2024, to claim refunds.
  • CBDT notifies income tax return forms for the Assessment Year 2024-25 well in
  • Section 90 of the Income tax Act, 1961- Double Taxation Relief- Agreement between Government of Republic of India and Government of Samoa for exchange of Information with respect of taxes.
  • Scientific Research Institution/Association approved Scientific Research Expenditure under Section 35(1)(ii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Order has been passed regarding Remission and extinguishment of Tax Demand under Income Tax Act, 1961. Waiver of Income Tax Demands as per Interim Budget 2024 has been Capped at Rs.100,000.

Goods And Service Tax (GST)


  • Introduction of Consent Based Sharing of Information Furnished by Taxable Person through Notified System


Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws.


  • MCA operationalizes Central Processing Centre (CPC) for the Centralized Processing of Corporate Filings


  • Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2024 – Insertion Of Rule 10A


  • Relaxation of additional fees and extension of last date of filing of form no. LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form no. 4D under Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008


  • Action against Paytm Payments Bank Ltd. under section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949


  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India amends The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016


  • Enhancing Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement in Liquidation Process


  • SEBI has issued an advisory against Fraudulent Trading Schemes claiming to be offered to Indian residents by FPI’s.


  • Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees’ Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 – Amendment in Regulation 6 And Schedule

  • Implementation Of E-Verification Scheme- 2021

The income tax Department has identified certain mismatches between third-party information on interest and dividend income, and the income tax Return (ITR) filed by taxpayers. In many cases, taxpayers have not even filed their ITR.

To reconcile the mismatch, an on-screen functionality has been made available in the Compliance portal of the e-filing website https://eportal.incometax.gov.in for taxpayers to provide their response. At present, the information mismatches relating to Financial Years 2021-22 and 2022- 23 have been displayed on the Compliance portal. The taxpayers are also being made aware of the mismatch through SMS and emails as per details available from the Department.

It is clarified that the said communication is not a notice.

In case the taxpayer has disclosed the interest income in the ITR under the line item ‘Others’ in the Schedule OS, she/he need not respond to the mismatch pertaining to the interest income. The said mismatch shall be resolved on its own and will be reflected in the portal as ‘Completed’.


  • CBDT Introduced National Savings Time Deposit (Amendment) Scheme, 2024


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the government savings Promotion Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the central government hereby makes the following scheme further to amend the national savings time deposit scheme, 2019, namely: –

  1. This Scheme may be called the National Savings Time Deposit (Amendments) Scheme, 2024.
  1. It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January 2024.
  2. In the National savings time deposit scheme, 2019 (hereinafter referred to as the said scheme), in paragraph 7: –

(a) in sub-paragraph 1(E), for the words, figures and letters, “on or after 1st day of July, 2023”, the words, figures, letters and brackets “between the 1st day of July 2023 and 31st day of December 2023 (both days inclusive)” shall be substituted;

(b) The rate of interest as specified in the Table below shall be applicable to the deposit made on or after the 1st day of January 2024 under the Scheme.


S.No. Category of Account Rate of Interest (per cent. Per annum)
1. One-Year 6.9
2. Two-Years 7.0
3. Three-Years 7.1
4. Five-Years 7.5


  • Sukanya Samriddhi Account (Amendment) Scheme 2024

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Government Savings Promotion Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following Scheme further to amend the Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme, 2019, namely: –


  1. a) This Scheme may be called the Sukanya Samridhi account (Amendment) Scheme, 2024.
  2. b) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January 2024.
  3. In the Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme, 2019, in paragraph 5: –
  4. in sub-paragraph (1B), for the words, figures and letters, “on or after the 1st day of April, 2023”, the following words, figures, letters and brackets “between 1st day of April 2023 to 31st day of December 2023 (both days inclusive)” shall be substituted;
  5. The deposits made in the account on or after the 1st day of January 2024 and the balances at the credit of the account shall earn interest at the rate of 8.2 per cent. per annum.


  • The returns for AY 2020-21 which were not processed electronically can be processed by 31-01-2024, in order to claim refunds.


  1. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (Board) vide its orders under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Act), dated 16-10-2023 and 1-12-2023 on the captioned subject relaxed the time prescribed in second proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 143 of the Act. It was directed that all returns of income validly filed electronically up to Assessment Year 2020-21 with refund claims, which could not be processed under sub-section (1) of the Section 143 of the Act, and which had become time barred, should be processed by 31-1-2024, subject to the conditions/ exceptions specified therein.


  1. The matter has been re-considered by the Board in view of pending taxpayer grievances related to the issue of refunds. To mitigate the genuine hardship being faced by the taxpayers on this issue, Board, by virtue of its earlier orders under section 119 of the Act dated 16-10-2023 and 1-12-2023, supra, hereby further extends the time mentioned in the para no. 2 of these orders till 30-4-2024 in respect of returns of income validly filed electronically up to AY 2020-21. All other contents of the said orders u/s 119 of the Act will remain unchanged.


  1. This may be brought to the notice of all necessary compliance.


  • CBDT notifies income tax return forms for the Assessment Year 2024-25 well in

For AY 2024-25 Income Tax Forms (ITR Forms)-2, 3 and 5 have been notified. In addition to this ITR Form-6 has been notified for AY 2024-25. Earlier, ITR-1 and ITR-4 for the A.Y. 2024-25 were notified vide Notification No. 105 of 2023 dated 22.12.2023. All ITR Forms 1 to 6 have since been notified and will come into effect from 1st April 2024.

  • Section 90 of the Income tax Act, 1961- Double Taxation Relief- Agreement between Government of Republic of India and Government of Samoa for exchange of Information with respect of taxes.

Whereas an agreement between the Government of Republic of India and Government of Samoa for exchange of information with respect to taxes, was signed at Apia, Samoa on 12th day of March, 2020, the said Agreement came into force on the 12th day of September, 2023, being the date of the later of the notifications of the completion of the procedures required by the respective laws of the contracting states for entry into force of the said Agreement, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 12 of the said Agreement,


Paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the said Agreement provides that the Agreement shall have effect forthwith after the date of entry into force.


Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 90 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies that all the provisions of the said Agreement, as annexed hereto, shall be given effect to in the Union of India

  • Scientific Research Institution/Association approved Scientific Research Expenditure Under Section 35(1)(Ii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), read with Rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, the Central Government hereby approves ‘M/s Prayoga, Bengaluru (PAN: AACTP9202D) as ‘Other Institution’ and Panjab University, Chandigarh under the category of ‘University, College or Other Institution’ for ‘Scientific Research’ for the purposes of clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, read with rules 5C and 5E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962.

This Notification shall apply with effect for Assessment Years 2024-25 to 2028-29.


  • Order has been passed regarding Remission and Extinguishment of Tax Demand Under Income Tax Act, 1961.

In Budget, there is a proposal to remit and extinguish the following claims to revenue, being tax -demands under which are outstanding as on 31st January, 2024 in respect of taxpayers/ assessee

Assessment Year/s (A.Y.) to which the entries of outstanding tax demands as on 31st January 2024 pertain Monetary limit of entries of outstanding tax demands which are to be remitted and extinguished.

                    (in Rupees)

Upto A.Y. 2010-11 Each demand entry up to Rs. 25,000/-
A.Y. 2011-12 to A.Y. 2015-16 Each demand entry up to Rs. 10,000/-


This is expected to give relief to 10 million taxpayers. However, the total waiver is limited to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000 per taxpayer (PAN). If the aggregate of all outstanding demands exceeds Rs. 1,00,000 for a taxpayer or entity, the waiver will be limited to eligible demands totalling ₹1,00,000 or less, with the remaining demands still applicable. No refunds can be claimed against the demands being waived off.

Introduction of Consent Based Sharing of Information Furnished by Taxable Person through Notified System (Notification No. 6/2024 Date:22-2-24)

The Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby notifies: “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under

sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017).

“Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” means an enterprise-grade open architecture information technology platform, conceptualized by the Reserve

Bank of India as part of its “Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies” dated the 10th August, 2023 and developed by its wholly owned subsidiary, Reserve Bank Innovation Hub, for the operations of a large ecosystem of credit, to ensure access of information from various data sources digitally and where the financial service providers and multiple data service providers converge on the platform using standard and protocol driven architecture, open and shared Application Programming Interface (API) framework.



  • MCA operationalizes Central Processing Centre (CPC) for Centralized Processing of Corporate Filings

12 forms/applications will be processed at CPC from 16.02.2024; followed by other forms from 01.04.2024 onward. CPC will process applications in time-bound and faceless manner on the lines of Central Registration Centre (CRC) and Centralized Processing for Accelerated Corporate Exit (C-PACE).



  • Companies (Registration Offices And Fees) Amendment Rules, 2024 – Insertion Of Rule 10a

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide Notification No. G.S.R. 107(E) dated February 15, 2024 notified the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2024, effective from February 16, 2024. A new rule, 10A, is added to the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014, establishing a Central Processing Center. This Center, under section 396 of the Companies Act, 2013, is tasked with examining all applications, e-Forms, or documents for approval or registration by the Registrar.


The Registrar at the Central Processing Center must make decisions within 30 days of filing, excluding cases requiring approval from higher authorities. This rule grants the Central Processing Center jurisdiction over various filings, including resolutions, share capital alterations, name change applications, and conversions of company types.


Multiple filings at once will be handled collectively by the Center, ensuring uniformity in processing. However, the rule clarifies that it does not grant the Center authority under section 399 of the Companies Act, leaving the Registrar with territorial jurisdiction to exercise those powers. This amendment aims to streamline the registration process and centralize decision-making for specified filings across India.


  • Relaxation of additional fees and extension of last date of filing of form no. LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form no. 4D under Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008

LLPs may file Form No. LLP BEN-2 and LLP Form No.4D without paying any additional fees up to 15.05.2024.

The two forms shall be made available in version -3 for the filing purpose w.e.f 15.04.2024



  • Action against Paytm Payments Bank Ltd. under section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949


The Reserve Bank of India, in exercise of its powers under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, had put certain business restrictions on Paytm Payments Bank Ltd (PPBL or the bank), vide Press Releases dated March 11, 2022 and January 31, 2024. Keeping in view the interest of customers (including merchants) of PPBL who may require a little more time to make alternative arrangements and the larger public interest, the Reserve Bank of India under section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 in partial modification of the earlier Directions dated January 31, 2024 has issued certain directions.


  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India amends The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process fr Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India notified the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 (Amendment Regulations) on 15th February, 2024 to streamline the corporate insolvency resolution process.


  • Enhancing Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement in Liquidation Process


Circulation of progress reports to stakeholders is hereby directed that the liquidator shall also share the progress reports with the members of the Stakeholders’ Consultation Committee (SCC) after receiving a confidential undertaking.

Preparation of preliminary report

It is hereby directed that the liquidator shall seek suggestions/observations of the members of the SCC while preparing the Preliminary Report under regulation 13 and finalise the Preliminary Report after considering such suggestions/observations, and after that, submit it to the AA, Board and members of SCC.

Sharing of the final report, Form H, and process closure/dissolution order with IBBI

It is hereby directed that the liquidator shall submit a copy of Form H along with the final report filed before the Adjudicating Authority as per Regulation 45, and the order for process.



  • SEBI has issued an advisory against Fraudulent Trading Schemes claiming to be offered to Indian residents by FPI’s.

SEBI has cautioned investors of some fraudulent entities that were offering resident Indian investors trading opportunities that would be on a par with foreign funds. This is not possible under current rules and investors should be careful of such offers, as fraudsters were enticing victims through online trading courses, seminars, and mentorship programs in the stock market through messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, as well as live broadcasts. These fraudsters are “Posing as employees or affiliates of Sebi-registered FPIs, they coax individuals into downloading applications that purportedly allow them to purchase shares, subscribe to IPOs, and enjoy ‘institutional account benefits’, all without the need for an official trading or demat account. There is no provision for an ‘institutional account’ in trading, and direct access to the equities market requires investors to have a trading and demat account with a Sebi-registered broker/trading member and DP respectively. Sebi has not granted any relaxations to FPIs regarding securities market investments by Indian investors.” Sebi urged investors to exercise caution and to steer clear of any social media messages, WhatsApp groups, Telegram channels or apps claiming to facilitate stock market access through FPIs or FIIs registered with it.


  • Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees’ Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2024 – Amendment in Regulation 6 And Schedule

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees’ Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2023 modifies the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employees’ Service) Regulations, 2001. In the Schedule of the 2001 regulations, in the Table, column 3, there is an insertion of additional qualification requirements for officers in the Legal Stream in Grade ‘A.’ The new requirement specifies that, in addition to the qualifications already specified for the Legal Stream, two years of post-qualification experience as an Advocate (including as an associate in an Advocate’s or Solicitor’s Office or Law Firm) after being enrolled under the Advocates Act, 1961, is a desirable qualification.



Disclaimer: Information in this note is intended to provide only a general update of the subjects covered. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. KNM accepts no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication. Updates are for   the period till 28.02.2024


Executive Summary

Income Tax

➢ Guidelines Under Sub-Section (4) of Section 194-O of the Income-Tax Act, 1961.

➢ CBDT has notified the ITR-6 for the Assessment Year 2024-25.

➢ CBDT has notified under Section 10(23FE) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 – Exemption – Income of Specified Person from an Investment Made in India – Specified Pension Fund.

➢ CBDT has notified under Section 10(4G), read with section 80LA of the Income-tax act, 1961 – Exemption – Activity investment in a financial product by a non-resident under contract with capital market intermediary being a unit in IFSC.

➢ CBDT has notified under section 10(46) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 – Exemptions – Statutory Body/ Authority/ Board/ Commission – Notified Body or Authority.

Goods And Service Tax (GST)

➢ Extension of the due date of furnishing return in GSTR-3B for specified places.

➢ Furnishing of Annual Returns and self-certified reconciliation statements for registered persons of specified areas.

➢ Special Procedures for Certain Processes and Special Procedures to be followed by registered persons engaged in manufacturing notified goods.

Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws.

➢ MCA notifies norms w.r.t listing of equity shares in IFSC by public companies.

➢ RBI issues updated master circular on exposure norms and statutory/other restrictions-UCBs.

➢ Govt. notifies accounting, taxation, & financial crime compliance services as ‘financial services’ under IFSCA Act`

➢ Govt. permits investment by ‘permissible holders’ in the equity of Indian public Cos.listed on international exchanges.

➢ Competition Commission of India (General) Amendment Regulations, 2024

➢ SEBI Streamlines regulatory reporting by Designated Depository Participants (DDPs) and Custodians through SI Portal

➢ SEBI Circular: New Framework for Employee Share Sale via Stock Exchange



CBDT has issued the guidelines under sub-section (4) of section 194-O of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Central Board of Direct Taxes (Board) vide

Circular No. 20 of 2023 [F. NO. 370142/43/2023-TPL], dated 28-12-2023 has issued the guidelines on the above-mentioned subject.

Following are the guidelines:

(I) Who should deduct tax at the source where there are multiple e-commerce operators (ECO) involved in a transaction?

For example, a buyer-side ECO could be involved in buyer-side functions, and a seller-side ECO Involved in seller-side functions. In this case, there may be two situations:

a) Where the seller-side ECO is not the actual seller of the goods or services –

In this situation, the compliance is to be done by the seller-side ECO who finally makes the payment to the seller and the tax shall be deducted on the “gross amount” of such sales of goods or provision of services. The tax shall be deducted by the seller-side ECO at the time of credit to the account of a seller or at the time of payment, whichever is earlier.

b) Where the seller-side ECO is the actual seller of the goods or services.

In this situation, compliance is to be done by the ECO which finally makes the payment to the seller for goods or services sold, which in this case is ECO-2* and the tax shall be deducted on the gross amount of such sale of goods or provision of services and shall be deducted by ECO-2* at the time of credit or at the time of the payment, whichever is earlier.

*For Situation (b)

(ii) E-Commerce Operator may levy convenience fees or charge commission for each transaction and the Seller might levy logistics & delivery fees for the transaction.

Payments may also be made to the platform or network provider to facilitate the transaction. Do the logistics charges, delivery fees, etc. form part of the gross amount for TDS Deduction under section 194O? Further, the buyer-side ECO and seller-side ECO may charge a commission to the seller to enable the online transaction, and the seller may choose to recoup all or part of that amount from the buyer.

(iii) Are GST, state levies, and taxes other than GST such as VAT treated when calculating the gross amount of sales of goods or provision of services for section 194O?

(iv) How will adjustment for purchase-returns take place?

(v) How will discounts given by the seller as an E-Commerce Participant or by any of the multiple ECOs be treated while calculating the ‘gross amount’ for section 194-O?`

➢ CBDT has notified the ITR-6 for the Assessment Year 2024-25.

CBDT has notified ITR6 for Assessment Year 2024-25 for filing returns for Financial Year 2023-24.

  • How will GST, various state levies, and taxes other than GST (such as Value Added Tax / Sales tax / Excise duty / Central Sales Tax) be treated when calculating the ‘gross amount’ of sale for section 194-O?
  • How will adjustment for purchase returns take place?
  • How will discounts given by the seller as an E-Commerce Participant or by any of the multiple ECOs be treated while calculating the ‘gross amount’ for section 194-O?

CBDT has notified ITR-1 and ITR-4 for Assessment Year 2024-25

CBDT has notified ITR1 SAHAJ and ITR4 SUGAM for Assessment Year 2024-25 for filing returns for Financial Year 2023-24.

CBDT has notified under Section 10(23FE) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 –

Exemption – Income of Specified Person from an Investment Made in India –

Specified Pension Fund.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (iv) of clause (c) of Explanation 1 to clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) (hereinafter referred to as the Act), the Central Government hereby specifies the pension fund, namely, Ravenna Investments Holding B.V (PAN: AAMCR8596D), (hereinafter referred to as the assessee) as the specified person for the said clause in respect of the eligible investment made by it in India on or after the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette but on or before the 31st day of March 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the said investments) subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions, namely:-

  • the assessee shall file a return of income, for all the relevant previous years falling within the period beginning from the date in which the said investment has been made and ending on the date on which such investment is liquidated, on or before the due date specified for furnishing the return of income under sub-section (1) of section 139 of the Act;
  • the assessee shall furnish along with such return a certificate in Form No. 10BBC in respect of compliance with the provisions of clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act, during the financial year, from an accountant as defined in the Explanation below sub-section (2) of section 288 of the Act, as per the provisions of clause (vi) of rule 2DB of the Income-tax Rules, 1962;
  • the assessee shall intimate the details in respect of each investment made by it in India during the quarter within a period of one month from the end of the quarter in Form No. 10BBB, as per the provisions of clause (v) of rule 2DB of the Income-tax Rules, 1962;
  • the assessee shall maintain a segmented account of income and expenditure in respect of such investment which qualifies for exemption under clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act;
  • the assessee shall continue to be regulated under the laws of the Government of the Netherlands;
  • the assessee shall be responsible for administering or investing the assets for meeting the statutory obligations and defined contributions of one or more funds or plans established for providing retirement, social security, employment, disability, death benefits, or any similar compensation to the participants or beneficiaries of such funds or plans, as the case may be;
  • he assessee shall be responsible for administering or investing the assets for meeting the statutory obligations and defined contributions of one or more funds or plans established for providing retirement, social security, employment, disability, death benefits, or any similar compensation to the participants or beneficiaries of such funds or plans, as the case may be;
  • the assessee shall not have any loans or borrowings [as defined in sub-clause (b) of clause (ii) of Explanation 2 to clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act], directly or indirectly, to invest in India; and
  • the assessee shall not participate in the day-to-day operations of the investee [as defined in clause (i) of Explanation 2 to clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act] but the monitoring mechanism to protect the investment with the investee including the right to appoint directors or executive directors shall not be considered as participation in the day-to-day operations of the investee

CBDT has notified under Section 10(4G), read with section 80LA of the  Income-tax Act, 1961 – Exemption – Activity investment in a financial product by a non-resident under contract with a capital market intermediary being a unit in IFSC.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (ii) of clause (4G) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby notifies the activity of investment in a financial product by the non-resident, under a contract with such non-resident entered into by a capital market intermediary, being a Unit of an International Financial Services Centre, where the income from such investment is received in the account of the non-resident maintained with the Offshore Banking Unit of such International Financial Services Centre, as referred to in sub-section (1A) of section 80LA

Explanation. —For this notification —

  • “Capital market intermediary” shall have the meaning as assigned to it in clause (ga) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 2 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority (Capital Market Intermediaries) Regulations, 2021;
  • “financial product” shall have the meaning as assigned to it in sub-clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019 (50 of 2019);
  • “International Financial Services Centre” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (q) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005)
  • “Unit” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (zc) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005)

CBDT has notified under section 10(46) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 –  Exemptions – Statutory Body/ Authority/ Board/ Commission – Notified Body or  Authority

The Central Government has notified the following Statutory Body/ Authority/Board/ Commission for Section 10(46) subject to specified conditions for the years mentioned in the notification:

a) Karnataka State Rural Livelihood Promotion Society.

b) Polavaram Project Authority.

c) Madhya Professional Examination Board, Bhopal.

d) Punjab State Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine.

e) Karmayogi Bharat.

f) Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board.

g) Haryana State Board of Technical Education, Panchkula.

h) District Legal Service Authority Union territory Chandigarh.

i) Bellary Urban Development Authority\

Goods & Services Tax

Extension of Due date of furnishing  return GSTR-3B for specified places

As per Notification No. 1/2024-CENTRAL TAX Dated 05-01-2024, the government has extended the due date of furnishing the return in Form GSTR- 3B for November 2023 till the tenth day of January 2024 for the registered persons whose principal place of business is in the districts of Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi and Virudhunagar in the state of Tamil Nadu. This notification shall come into force w.e.f. 20th day of December 2023

Furnishing of Annual Returns and self-certified reconciliation statements for  registered persons of specified areas –

As per Notification No. 2/2024- CENTRAL TAX- Dated 05-01-2024, the Central Government has made the following rules further to amend the Central Goods and ServicesTax Rules, 2017, namely: –

Short title and commencement

1.  (1) These rules may be called the Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2024.

(2) They shall come into force on the 31st day of December 2023

2. In the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017, in rule 80, –

(a) after sub-rule (1A), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely: – (1B) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), for the financial year 2022-23, the said annual return shall be furnished on or before the tenth day of January 2024 for the registered persons whose principal place of business is in the districts of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram, Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi and Virudhunagar in the state of Tamil Nadu.

(b) after sub-rule (3A), the following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely: – (3B) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (3), for the financial year 2022-23, the said self-certified reconciliation statement shall be furnished along with the said annual return on or before the tenth day of January 2024 for the registered persons whose principal place of business is in the districts of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram, Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Kanyakumari, Thoothukudi and Virudhunagar in the state of Tamil Nadu.”

Special Procedures for Certain Processes and Special Procedures to be followed  by a registered person engaged in manufacturing notified good

As per Notification No. 4/2024- CENTRAL TAX- Dated 05-01-2024, Central Government has notified Special Procedures for Certain Processes and Special Procedures to be followed by a registered person engaged in manufacturing notified goods (Schedule includes Description of Goods like Pan Masala, Tobacco, Smoking mixtures for pipes and cigarettes, etc.), namely: –

1. Details of Packing Machines

(1) All the registered persons engaged in manufacturing the goods mentioned shall furnish the details of packing machines being used for filling and packing packages in FORM GST SRM-I, within thirty days of coming into effect of this notification.

(2) Any person intending to manufacture goods as mentioned in the Schedule to this notification, and who has been granted registration after the issuance of this notification, shall furnish the details of packing machines being used for filling and packing of packages in FORM GST SRM-I on the common portal, within fifteen days of grant of such registration.

(3) The details of any additional filling and packing machine being installed at the registered place of business shall be furnished, electronically on the common portal, by the said registered person within twenty-four hours of such installation in PART (B) of Table 6 of FORM GST SRM-I.

(4) If any change is to be made to the declared capacity of the machines, the same shall be furnished, electronically on the common portal, by the said registered person within twenty-four hours of such change in Table 6A of FORM GST SRM-I.

(5) Upon furnishing of such details in FORM GST SRM-I, a unique registration number shall be generated for each machine, the details of which have been furnished by the registered person, on the common portal.

(6) In case, the said registered person has submitted or declared the production capacity of his manufacturing unit or his machines, to any other government department or any other agency or organization, the same shall be furnished by the said registered person in Table 7 of FORM GST SRM-I on the common portal, within fifteen days of filing such declaration or submission:

Provided that where the said registered person has submitted or declared the production the capacity of his manufacturing unit or his machines, to any other government department or any other agency or organization, before the issuance of this notification, the latest such certificate in respect of the manufacturing unit or the machines, as the case may be, shall be furnished by the said registered person in Table 7 of FORM GST SRM-I on the common portal, within thirty days of issuance of this notification.

(7) The details of any existing filling and packing machine disposed of from the registered place of business shall be furnished, electronically on the common portal, by the said registered person within twenty-four hours of such disposal in Table 8 of FORM GST SRM-I

2. Special Monthly Statement

The registered person shall submit a special statement for each month in FORM GST SRM-II, electronically on the common portal, on or before the tenth day of the month succeeding such month.

3. Certificate of Chartered Engineer

(1) The taxpayer shall upload a certificate of Chartered Engineer FORM GST SRM-III in respect of machines declared by him, as per para 1 of this notification, in Table 6 of FORM GST SRM-I.

(2) If details of any machine are amended subsequently, then a fresh certificate in respect of such machine shall be uploaded.

4. This notification shall come into effect from the 1st day of April 2024.

Companies Act, 2013/LLP Act, 2008

MCA notifies norms w.r.t listing of equity shares in IFSC by public companies.

The Companies (Listing of equity shares in permissible jurisdictions) Rules, 2024, introduced by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), marks a significant step towards enabling unlisted and listed public companies to issue securities for listing on approved stock exchanges in permissible foreign jurisdictions.

These regulations provide clarity on eligibility criteria, listing requirements, and reporting obligations, fostering transparency and compliance within the international financial landscape.


RBI issues updated master circular on exposure norms and statutory/other restrictions-UCBs.

RBI issues a master circular consolidating all the instructions/guidelines on exposure norms and statutory/other restrictions related to the (urban) cooperative banks UCBs. Now users can refer to the consolidated master circular, consolidating different circulars in one place.

Govt. notifies accounting, taxation, & financial crime compliance services as ‘financial services’ under the IFSCA Act

The RBI has notified amendment sub-clause (xiv) of clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 3 of the International Financial Services Centres Authority Act, 2019 (50 of 2019), the Central Government hereby notifies the following as financial services, namely: —

  1. Book-keeping services
  2. Accounting services.
  3. Taxation services; and
  4. Financial crime compliance services

Govt. permits investment by ‘permissible holders’ in the equity of Indian  public Cos. listed on international exchanges

The Ministry of Finance vide. Notification No. S.O. 332(E) dated 24.01.2024 has notified the Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) Amendment Rules, 2024. A new Rule 34 in chapter X has been inserted which permits the Investment by permissible holders in Equity Shares of Public Companies Incorporated in India and Listed on International Exchanges.


Competition Commission of India (General) Amendment Regulations, 2024

In the Competition Commission of India (General) Regulations, 2009, regulation 49,

after sub-regulation

(1) the following sub-regulation shall be inserted, namely:

(1A) Each Interlocutory Application received under sub-regulation (6) of Regulation 15 shall be accompanied by proof of having paid the fee as under: –

(a) Rupees 500 (five hundred) in case of individual or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), or

(b) Rupees 1000 (one thousand) in case of a Non-Government Organization (NGO), or Consumer Association, or Co-operative Society, or Trust or

(c) Rupees 1000 (one thousand) in case of firm (including proprietorship, partnership or Limited Liability Partnership) or company (including one person company) having turnover in the preceding year up to rupees two crore, or

(d) Rupees 5000 (five thousand) in all other cases.”


SEBI Streamlines regulatory reporting by Designated Depository Participants  (DDPs) and Custodians through SI Portal

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has recently issued a circular, SEBI/HO/AFD/AFD-SEC-2/P/CIR/2024/8, dated January 25, 2024. The circular focuses on streamlining regulatory reporting by Designated Depository Participants (DDPs) and Custodians. The objective is to establish uniform compliance standards, enhance ease of reporting, and meet regulatory requirements.

SEBI Circular: New Framework for Employee Share Sale via Stock Exchange

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued a circular, SEBI/HO/MRD/MRD-PoD-3/P/CIR/2024/6, dated January 23, 2024. This circular introduces a new framework for the Offer for Sale (OFS) of shares to employees through the stock exchange mechanism. The purpose is to streamline the existing process, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs associated with the current procedure.

Disclaimer: Information in this note is intended to provide only a general update on the subjects covered. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. KNM accepts no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication. Updates are for the period 25.01.2024.



Executive Summary

Income Tax

CBDT extends the Time Limit for processing validly filed income tax returns with refund claims up to assessment year 2017-18 until January 31, 2024.
➢ Guidelines Prescribed by CBDT for withholding Tax u/s 194-O.
➢ CBDT has notified ITR-1 and ITR-4 for Assessment Year 2024-25
➢ Central Government notifies Godavari River Management Board of Hyderabad for exemption in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
➢ Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24 (Series III) will be opened for subscription during the period December 18-22, 2023.
➢ PowerGrid Infrastructure Investment Trust to be recognized as a mode for continuity of tax exemption for Charitable Trust and Institution
➢ The CBDT vide Notification No. 106/2023 dated December 27, 2023, notified an exemption to Ravenna Investments Holding B.V for pension funds under section 10(23FE) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
➢ The government has revised the rate of Interest for the Small Savings Scheme with the approval of the competent authority.
➢ CBDT has notified the Income-tax (Twenty-Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2023, to amend Rules 10TA and 10TD for revising the definition of intra-group loans and circumstances in which they are treated as Safe Harbour.

Goods And Service Tax (GST)

➢ Extension of due date of GSTR 3B for the month of November 2023.
➢ Government issued time limit for issuing order under sec 73.
➢ GSTN issues advisory for pilot project of biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and document verification
➢ Advisory related to amnesty for taxpayer who missed to file appeal for the order passed on or before 31st march 2023.
➢ GSTN has given advisory on Two factor authentication (2FA).

Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws

➢ Mandatory Pre-Requisite For E-filing Matters in NCLT
➢ Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023
➢ RBI modifies MSME lending norms
➢ RBI issues revised instructions for inoperative accounts/unclaimed deposits in Banks
➢ Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Amendment Rules, 2023
➢ Filing of Announcements Related to Loss of Share Certificate, Issue of Duplicate Share, Certificate Closure of Trading Window and CIRP- NSE
➢ SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023
➢ SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023


➢ CBDT extends the Time Limit for Processing Validly Filed Income Tax Returns with Refund Claims up to Assessment Year 2017-18 until January 31, 2024

Central Board of Direct Taxes (Board) vide its order under section 119 of the Income-tax Act,1961 dated July 05, 2021 and September 30, 2021 on the captioned subject relaxed the timeframe prescribed in second proviso to subsection (1) of Section 143 of the Act. It was directed that all validly filed returns up to Assessment Year 2017-18 with refund claims, which could not be processed under section 143(1) of the Act and which had become time barred, should be processed by November 30, 2021, subject to the conditions exceptions specified therein.
The matter has been re-considered by Board in view of pending taxpayer grievances related to issue of refund. To mitigate the genuine hardship being faced by the taxpayers on this issue, Board, by virtue of its power under section 119 of the Act and in partial modification of its earlier order under section 119 of the Act dated July 05, 2021 and September 30, 2021, supra, hereby further extends the time frame mentioned in the para no. 2 of the order dated September 30, 2021 till January 31, 2024 in respect of returns of income validly filed electronically. All other contents of the said order u/s 119 of the Act dated July 05, 2021 will remain unchanged.

Above relaxation shall not be applicable to the following returns:
(i) returns selected in scrutiny
(ii) returns remain unprocessed, where either demand is shown as payable in the return or is likely to arise after processing it
(iii) returns remain unprocessed for any reason attributable to the assessee.

➢ Guidelines Prescribed by CBDT for withholding Tax u/s 194-O.

The guidelines contemplate following situations and explains in detail how section 194- O would operate in such cases, including illustrations.
• In case of a platform or network ( e.g., the open network for digital commerce) wherein multiple ECOs are participating in a single transaction of sale of goods / services through the platform / network. For example, there could be a buyer side ECO involved in buyer side functions and a seller side ECO involved in seller side functions.
Example 1 – Where the seller-side ECO is not the actual seller of goods / services. In this situation, withholding of tax u/s 194-O is required to be done by the seller side ECO who finally makes the payment to the seller. The seller-side ECO would file the requisite withholding tax return in Form 26Q and issue certificate to the seller in Form 16A.
Example 2 – Where the seller-side ECO is the actual seller of goods / services. In this situation, withholding of tax u/s 194-O is required to be done by the ECO which finally makes the payment to the seller for goods / services sold, which in the case mentioned below is ECO-2. The ECO 2 would file the requisite withholding tax return in Form 26Q and issue certificate to the seller in Form 16.
• ECOs may be levying convenience fees or charging commission for each transaction and seller might levy logistics and delivery fees for the transaction. Payments may also be made to the platform or network provider for facilitating the transaction. Whether these would form part of ‘gross amount’ for the purpose of withholding tax u/s 194-O of the Act?
• How will GST, various state levies and taxes other than GST (such as Value Added Tax / Sales tax / Excise duty / Central Sales Tax) be treated when calculating ‘gross amount’ of sale for the purpose of section 194-O?
• How will adjustment for purchase -returns take place?
• How will discounts given by seller as an E -Commerce Participant or by any of the multiple ECOs be treated while calculating ‘gross amount’ for the purpose of section 194-O?

➢ CBDT has notified ITR-1 and ITR-4 for Assessment Year 2024-25
CBDT has notified ITR1 SAHAJ and ITR4 SUGAM for Assessment Year 2024-25 for filing return for Financial Year 2023-24.

➢ Central Government notifies Godavari River Management Board of Hyderabad for exemption in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (46) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Central Government in pursuance of section 85 of the Andhra Pradesh Re-Organization Act, 2014, in respect of the following specified income arising to the said Authority, as follows:
(a) Grants/Subsidies received from CG and from the SG of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and
(b) Interest from bank deposits, including savings account.

Above notification shall be effective subject to the conditions that Godavari River Management Board, Hyderabad-
(a) shall not engage in any commercial activity;
(b) activities and the nature of the specified income shall remain unchanged throughout the financial years; and
(c) shall file return of income in accordance with the provision of clause (g) of sub- section (4C) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.
This notification shall be deemed to have been applied for assessment years 2020-21 to 2023-2024.

➢ Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2023-24 (Series III) will be opened for subscription during the period December 18-22, 2023.
The Gold Bonds issued under this Scheme may be held by a Trust, HUFs, Charitable Institution, University or by a person resident in India, being an individual, in his capacity as such individual, or on behalf of minor child, or jointly with any other individual.

The issue price of the Bond during the subscription period shall be ₹6,199 per gram . The Government of India in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India has decided to allow discount of ₹50 per gram from the issue price to those investors who apply online and the payment is made through digital mode. For such investors the issue price of Gold Bond will be ₹6,149 per gram of gold.

Interest on the Gold Bonds shall commence from the date of issue and shall be paid at a
fixed rate of 2.50 percent per annum on the nominal value of the bond and the interest shall be payable in half-yearly rests and the last interest shall be payable along with the principal on maturity and these Gold Bonds shall be repayable on the expiration of eight years from the date of the issue of the Bonds.

➢ PowerGrid Infrastructure Investment Trust to be recognized as a mode for continuity of tax exemption for Charitable Trust and Institution

Charitable Trusts / Institutions enjoying Income-tax exemption u/s 11(5) of the Income- tax Act are required to invest their surplus funds in prescribed modes, such as savings certificates, post office savings, deposit in an account with a scheduled bank or co- operative society, units of Unit Trust of India, deposit in any public sector company of India, etc. the CBDT has added investment in units of PowerGrid Infrastructure Investment Trust as one of the recognised modes for continuity of tax exemption for such trusts / institutions.

➢ The CBDT vide Notification No. 106/2023 dated December 27, 2023, notified an exemption to Ravenna Investments Holding B.V for pension funds under section 10(23FE) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The notified funds are eligible to claim an exemption for eligible investments made in India on or before March 31, 2024, subject to following conditions.

i. The assessee shall file a return of income, for all the relevant previous years falling within the period beginning from the date in which the said investment has been made and ending on the date on which such investment is liquidated.

ii. the assessee shall furnish along with such return a certificate in Form No. 10BBC in respect of compliance with the provisions of clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act.

iii. the assessee shall intimate the details in respect of each investment made by it in India during the quarter within a period of one month from the end of the quarter in Form No. 10BBB.

iv. the assessee shall maintain a segmented account of income and expenditure in respect of such investment which qualifies for exemption under clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act;

v. the assessee shall continue to be regulated under the laws of the Government of the Netherlands;

vi. the assessee shall not have any loans or borrowings directly or indirectly, for the purposes of making investment in India and

vii. the assessee shall not participate in the day-to-day operations of investee but the monitoring mechanism to protect the investment with the investee shall not be considered as participation in the day-to-day operations of the investee and

viii. any other conditions as may be prescribed.
Violation of any of the conditions as stipulated in clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act and this notification shall render the assessee ineligible for the tax exemption.

➢ Government has revised the rate of Interest for Small Savings Scheme with the approval of competent authority.
The rates of interest on various Small Savings Schemes for the fourth quarter of financial year 2023-24 starting from 1 st January, 2024 and ending on 31 st March, 2024 have been revised as detailed below:


➢ CBDT has notified the Income-tax (Twenty-Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2023, to amend Rules 10TA and 10TD for revising the definition of intra-group loans and circumstances in which they are treated as Safe Harbour.

Intra-group loan definition has been revised to include loans extended to “Associate Enterprise” rather than wholly owned subsidiaries and the condition for the loans to be advanced must be sourced in Indian Rupees has been omitted. The updated definition of intra-group loan is now stated as follows:

Intra-group loan means a loan advanced to an associated enterprise being a non-resident, where the loan

(i) is not advanced by an enterprise, being a financial company including a bank or a financial institution or an enterprise engaged in lending or borrowing in the normal course of business, and

(ii) does not include a credit line or any other loan facility which has no fixed term for repayment;
Rule 10TD has been amended to replace the conditions for safe harbor in the event of the advancement of intra-group loans denominated in a foreign currency. The reference to “CRISIL” credit rating has been omitted from Rule 10TD. Thus, the credit rating of any other entities can be used while determining Safe Harbour.

➢ As per Notification No. 56/2023 Dated 28 th December, 2023 – The Government, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby, extends the time limit specified under sub- section (10) of section 73 for issuance of order under sub-section (9) of section 73 of the said Act, for recovery of tax not paid or short paid or of input tax credit wrongly availed or utilized, relating to the period as specified below, namely: –

• For the financial year 2018-19, up to the 30th day of April, 2024;
• For the financial year 2019-20, up to the 31st day of August, 2024

➢ As per Notification NO. 55/2023 Dated 20 th December, 2023
The Commissioner, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby extends the due date for furnishing the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of November, 2023 till the twenty-seventh day of December, 2023, for the registered persons whose principal place of business is in the districts of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Chengalpattu and Kancheepuram in the state of Tamil Nadu

➢ The GSTN on has issued an advisory 1 st December 2023 for applicants of GST registration in the state of Andhra Pradesh, for pilot project of biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and document verification.
The functionality now also provides for the document verification and appointment booking process Once the applicant has applied to Form GST REG- 01, it will receive an email either of the following:

• A link for OTP based Aadhaar authentication, or
• A link for booking an appointment with GST Suvidha Kendra (GSK) for authentication/verification
If the applicant receives the link for OTP-based Aadhaar authentication as per above,

He/she can proceed with the application as per the existing process. however, If the applicant receives the link for booking appointment with GSK, he / she will be required to book the appointment to visit the designated GSK, using the link provided in the e-mail. Once the applicant gets the confirmation of appointment through e-mail, he / she will be able to visit the designated GSK as per the chosen schedule.

At the time of the visit of GSK, the applicant is required to carry the following details.
• Copy of confirmation e -mail (for booking of appointment)
• Details of jurisdiction as mentioned in the e -mail
• Aadhaar number
• Original documents that were uploaded with the application. The biometric authentication and document verification will be done at the GSK, for the individuals as per the GST application Form REG-01.

➢ The GSTN has issued the following advisory on 28 November 2023 the GST Council, in its 52nd meeting held in October 2023, recommended granting amnesty to taxpayers who could not file an appeal (u/s 107 of the CGST Act, 2017), against the demand order (u/s 73 or 74 of the CGST Act, 2017) passed on or before March 31, 2023, or whose appeal against the said order was rejected due to not being filed within the specified time limit.

• In compliance with this recommendation the government has issued notification No. 53/2023 on November 2, 2023.

• Considering the pre-requisite to deposit the admitted amount of tax, interest and penalty, it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to select the appropriate ledgers and make the payment correctly (the GST portal allows taxpayers to choose the correct mode of payment – electronic credit / cash ledger). An appeal filed without proper payment of tax, interest or penalty, may be rejected or dealt with as per the legal provisions

• In case taxpayer has already filed an appeal and wants it to be covered by the benefit of amnesty scheme, it would be required to make the differential payment to comply with Notification no. 53/2023. The payment should be made against the demand order using the ‘Payment towards demand’ facility available on the GST portal. The navigation step for making this payment is: Login >> Services >> Ledgers >> Payment towards Demand.

• Taxpayers who have previously filed an appeal, but it was rejected as time barred in APL-02 by the appellate authority, are entitled to refile the appeal. In case taxpayer faces any issue in re-filing of appeal, a ticket shall be raised on the grievance redressal portal (https://selfservice.gstsystem.in). The taxpayer shall select the category ‘Amnesty Scheme’ and the sub-category ‘Amnesty scheme- Issue in appeal filing’ while raising a ticket.

• If the appellate authority has issued a rejection order in APL-04 due to the application for appeal being time-barred, the taxpayer has to approach the respective appellate authority office well in advance to comply with the dates in the said notification. The appellate authority after checking the eligibility of the taxpayer for the amnesty scheme will forward the case to GSTN through the state nodal officer.

• For the APL 04 issued cases, no direct representations will be entertained by GSTN or through the grievance redressal portal. APL 04-issued cases have to be compulsorily forwarded through the state nodal officer.

• Post receiving the case from the state nodal officer, GSTN will enable the taxpayer to file an appeal against the concerned order.

➢ GSTN has issued an advisory on 1 December 2023 for implementation of 2FA on the GST portal nationwide starting 1 December 2023 onwards.
The 2FA helps in strengthening the login security in the GST portal. The initial rollout of 2FA has been successfully conducted in Haryana. In the 1st phase, 2FA will be implemented in Punjab, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and Delhi. The 2nd phase will include the remaining states across India. Taxpayers would need to provide a one-time password (OTP) post entering user ID and password. The OTP will be delivered to the primary authorized signatory’s mobile phone number and email address. Accordingly, taxpayers have been advised to keep their email addresses and mobile numbers of authorized signatories updated on the GST portal for receiving the OTP communication.

Companies Act, 2013/LLP Act, 2008

➢ Mandatory Pre-Requisite For E-filing Matters in NCLT

The National Company Law Tribunal has informed that all Litigants/Advocates/parties have to follow the pre-requisite outline on formatting, proper book marking Petition/Applications/Pleadings/Documents, electronic signature using e-sign, retention of originals, etc. at the time of e-filing in NCLT portal with effect from January 01, 2024.


➢ Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India has introduced Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) Regulations, 2023 in supersession of Notification No. FEMA 14(R)/2016-RB dated May 02, 2016.
The core of the regulations addresses how residents in India can make or receive payments from individuals outside the country. It emphasizes the role of Authorised Banks and Authorised Persons. The provision allows residents to seek the Reserve Bank’s permission for specific transactions under the Act.

➢ RBI modifies MSME lending norms

The RBI has notified amendment in Paragraph 2.2 of the Master Direction- Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector. Now, it has been directed that for Priority Sector Lending (PSL) purposes, banks shall be guided by the classification recorded in the Udyam Registration Certificate (URC). All the MSMEs are required to register online on the Udyam Registration portal and obtain a ‘Udyam Registration Certificate’.

➢ RBI issues revised instructions for inoperative accounts/unclaimed deposits in Banks

The RBI issued revised guidelines w.r.t. inoperative accounts /unclaimed deposits in banks. The central banks called for steps to trace the customers of inoperative accounts or unclaimed deposits including their nominees or legal heirs for re-activation of accounts, settlement of claims, or closure. RBI also stressed a periodic review and measures to prevent fraud in such accounts. No charges must be levied for the activation of inoperative accounts.


➢ Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Amendment Rules, 2023

The Ministry of Labour of Employment has issued a notification to further amend Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950 wherein, in Rule 29(2) Proviso, for the words “rupees five crores”, the words “rupees twenty–five crores” shall be substituted.

➢ Filing of Announcements Related to Loss of Share Certificate, Issue of Duplicate Share, Certificate Closure of Trading Window, and CIRP- NSE

The National Stock Exchange of India has advised the listed entity to file the disclosures intimating the following announcements under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘SEBI LODR’) will be made available in XBRL format. with from December 09, 2023:

1. Loss of Share Certificate/Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate
2. Closure of Trading Window
3. Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process.

➢ SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) (Seventh Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India has amended the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

➢ SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Securities and Exchange Board of India has amended the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018.

Monthly Compliance Calendar






Executive Summary

Income Tax
  • Income-tax return in Form ITR 7 – CBDT introduces changes to accommodate the taxable income of individuals under the tax rates applicable to the Association of Persons (AOP)
  • Supreme Court’s decision (in the case of Bharti Hexacom Ltd) on the treatment of a one-time entry fee & variable annual license fee paid by telecom operators as capital expenditure
  • The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified the pension fund, BPC Penco XVII Corporation, for exemption under section 10(23FE).
  • CBDT issued instructions regarding the revision of timelines and monetary limits as well as the revision of workflow in the matter of recording reasons before withholding refunds u/s 245(2) or the Income-tax Act, 1961.
  • The Central Government has made important changes to the popular Senior Citizen’s Savings Scheme (SCSS).
  • Central Government (CG) further amended the National Savings Time Deposit Scheme, 2019.
  • CG makes the scheme further amend the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 2019, regarding the allowance of the interest period.
  • Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) amends guidelines for submission of Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) for depository transactions & mutual fund transactions by registrar & share transfer agent.
  • Agreement between India & Saint Vincent & the Grenadines for exchange of information & collection of taxes.

Goods And Service Tax (GST)

  • Clarification relating to the export of services.
  • Amendment in CGST Rules.
  • Issues relating to the taxability of personal guarantee and corporate guarantee.
  • GST rate on imitation zari thread or yarn.
  • Place of Supply in case of respective services.

Companies Act 2013/ Other Laws

  • SBOs behind LLPs are all set to surface.
  • MCA appoints the date of enforcement for Section 5 of the Companies (Amendment) Act,2020.
  • RBI issues Master Direction (Non-Banking Company – Scale Based Regulation) Directions, 2023.
  • SEBI Board Meeting: Key Approvals for Social Stock Exchange, Index Providers & Real Estate Investments.


  • Income-tax return in Form ITR 7 – CBDT  introduces changes to accommodate the taxable income of individuals under the tax rates applicable to the Association of Persons (AOP)

CBDT has introduced certain changes in Form ITR-7, to accommodate the taxable income of individuals under the tax rates applicable to AOP, which aligns with the slab rates applicable to individuals. The amendment is applicable from Assessment Year (AY) 2023-24 onwards.

(a) Changes in Part B- TI: Sl No. 16 to be substituted as below:

  • Specified income chargeable u/s 115BBI, included in 13, to be taxed @30% (Sl. No 7 of Schedule 115BBI)
  • Aggregate income to be taxed at normal rates (13-14-15-16) (including income other than specified income under section 115BBI)

(b) in Part B-TTI, against serial number 1, for item a and entries relating thereto, the following item and entered thereto, shall be substituted, namely: —

“a Tax at normal rates on [Sl. No. 17 of Part B1 of Part B-TI] OR [Sl. No. (13 -14) of Part B2 of Part B-TI] OR [Sl. No. 13 of Part B3 of Part B-TI] 1a”.

  • Supreme Court’s decision (in the case of Bharti Hexacom Ltd) on the treatment of one-time entry fees & variable annual license fees paid by telecom operators as capital expenditure

Telecom operators at the time of set-up of telecom infrastructure incur two types of license fees – Fixed and Variable. The fixed license fee is a one-time fee paid to acquire the right to operate the telecommunication services. Variable license fees are paid annually as a percentage of gross revenue. As per section 35ABB of the Income-tax Act, payments made for acquiring any right to operate telecommunication services (whether such payment is made before the commencement of the business to operate or thereafter at any time during the year) will be allowed as a tax deduction in amortized manner.

Supreme Court invoked the test of ‘nature of original obligation’ to determine the nature of the variable annual license fee, and held that while classifying the nature of the expense, it is important to analyze whether the subsequent payment made in installments has a direct nexus with the original obligation or not. In the instant case, the successive payment of a variable annual license fee has a nexus with the original obligation, i.e. consideration for the right to establish, maintain, and operate telecommunications services. The nature of payment that was made for the same purpose cannot have a different characterization merely because of a change in the manner of payment.

In view of the above, the one-time entry fee as well as the variable annual license fee paid by the taxpayer are capital in nature and will be amortized under section 35ABB of the Act.

  • The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified the pension fund, BPC Penco XVII Corporation, for exemption under section 10(23FE)

The notified funds shall be eligible to claim the exemption in respect of eligible investment made in India on or before 31-03-2024 subject to prescribed conditions. Some of them are

(i) The assessee shall file a return of income, for all the relevant previous years falling within the period beginning from the date in which the said investment has been made and ending on the date on which such investment is liquidated, on or before the due date specified for furnishing the return of income under sub-section (1) of section 139 of the Act;

(ii) the assessee shall furnish along with such return a certificate in Form No. 10BBC in respect of compliance to the provisions of clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act, during the financial year, from an accountant as defined in the Explanation below sub-section.

(2) of section 288 of the Act, as per the provisions of clause (vi) of rule 2DB of the income-tax Rules, 1962;

(iii) the assessee shall intimate the details in respect of each investment made by it in India during the quarter within one month from the end of the quarter in Form No. 10BBB, as per the provisions of clause (v) of rule 2DB of the Income-tax Rules, 1962;

(iv) The assessee shall maintain a segmented account of income and expenditure in respect of such investment which qualifies for exemption under clause (23FE) of section 10 of the Act;

(v) The assessee shall continue to be regulated under the law of the Government of Ontario, Canada; and any other conditions as prescribed.

  • CBDT issued instructions regarding the revision of timelines and monetary limits as  the revision of workflow in the matter of recording reasons before withholding refunds

The monetary limit for applying provisions of section 245(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 will hereinafter be where the value of the refund is Rs. 10 lakhs or more. In any case where section 245(2) of the Act is applicable, the Faceless Assessing Officer (FAO), on receipt of communication from CPC, shall intimate the Jurisdictional Assessing Officer (JAO) about demand likely to be raised in the pending assessment(s). The JAO, based on such information shall record in writing, with proper application of mind, and after analyzing the factual matrix of the case seek approval of the jurisdictional Principal Commissioner of Income-tax. The reasons recorded shall not be cursory. Such reasons should reflect the factual analysis of the case by the JAO. The JAO will communicate the final decision regarding the release of the refund to the CPC. To finish this process, the time limit is hereby revised to 20 days for the Faceless Assessment Unit and to 30 days for Jurisdictional Assessing Officer.

  • The Central Government has made important changes to the popular Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS).

(i) Retirement benefits may now be invested in the SCSS within three months of retirement for a retired person who is over 55 but under 60. Formerly, after receiving retirement benefits, a retired person had to invest within a month.

(ii) The financial aid amount may now be invested in the program by a spouse of a government employee who passed away while performing their duties. If the deceased government employee was employed and reached the age of fifty, then this will be permitted. This benefit is being given to all central and state government employees eligible for retirement benefits or death compensation.

(iii) As per changes defined, Retirement benefit means any payment due to the account holder on account of retirement on superannuation or otherwise and includes Provident Fund dues, retirement or superannuation or death gratuity, commuted value of pension, cash equivalent of leave, savings element of Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme payable by the employer on retirement, retirement-cum-withdrawal benefit under the Employees’ Family Pension Scheme and ex-gratia payments under a voluntary or a special voluntary retirement scheme and in case, if the employee dies in harness, the “retirement benefits” shall also mean the above-mentioned benefits to an employee who died in harness.

(iv)According to the new regulations, if the account is closed before the investment’s one-year term expires, one percent of the deposit will be withheld. Prior regulations stated that interest on the account’s deposit should be recouped from the deposit and the account holder would receive the whole amount if the account was closed before a year had passed.

(v) The account holder may keep extending the account for an unlimited number of blocks, each lasting three years. Furthermore, for each extension, the application must be submitted. The extension could only be granted once in the past. Regardless of when the application was received, the extension shall be taken into consideration as of the date of maturity or the conclusion of each three-year block term.

(vi)The deposit made at the time of opening of the account shall be paid on or after the expiry of five years or after the expiry of each block period of three years where the account was extended from the date of opening of the account. Provided that after the closure of the existing account or accounts, new accounts or accounts may be opened again as required by the depositor subject to the maximum deposit limit.

  • Central Government further amended the National Savings Time Deposit Scheme, 2019

In the exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Government Savings Promotion Act, the Central Government substituted Paragraph 8 regarding the Premature closure of the account. Premature closure of an account shall be allowed on an application by the account holder in

Form-4 is subject to the following conditions, namely:—

  1. a) no deposit shall be withdrawn before the expiry of six months from the date of deposit;
  2. b) where a deposit in a one-year, two-year, or three-year account is withdrawn prematurely after six months, but before the expiry of one year from the date of deposit, interest shall be payable to the account holder at the rate applicable to Post Office Savings

Account for the completed months;

c) where a deposit in a two-year or three-year account is withdrawn prematurely after the expiry of one year from the date of deposit, interest on such deposit shall be payable to the account holder for the completed years and months, commencing on the date of deposit and ending with the date of withdrawal, and such interest shall be calculated at the rate which shall be less by two percent. points than the rate specified for a deposit of one year or two, as the case may be, and interest for the completed year shall be calculated on the quarterly compounding basis per the provisions of paragraph 7, and for any part of a year, interest shall be payable as per the provisions of subparagraph (b);

d) Where a deposit in a five-year account is withdrawn prematurely after four years from the date of opening of an account, interest shall be payable at the rate applicable to Post Office Savings Account; and

e) any interest already paid on the deposit under paragraph 7 shall be recovered from the amount of repayment of the deposit and the interest payable under this paragraph.

  • CG makes the scheme further amend the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 2019, regarding the allowance of the interest period.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Government Savings Promotion Act, 1873, the Central Government hereby makes a Scheme to further amend the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 2019, in paragraph 13, in the second proviso, for the words “or the date of extension of the account”, the words “or from the date of commencement of the current block period of five years” shall be substituted.

This means that the interest will be allowed in the account at a rate that will be 1% less than the interest that has been periodically credited to the account from the date of commencement of the current block period of five years.

  • Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) amends guidelines for the submission of Statements of Financial Transactions (SFT) for depository transactions & mutual fund transactions by registrar & share transfer agent

CBDT has issued a corrigendum to notifications no 3 and 4 published in April 2021, amending the norms relating to the filing of SFTs as below:-

  • With effect from 1 April 2023 onwards, SFT will be required to be submitted half-yearly instead of quarterly. In other words, data for the half-year ended 30 September will be required to be submitted by 31 October; data for the half-year ended 31 March will be required to be submitted by 30 April
  • The holding period for Unit Trust of India (UTI) units has been set at 12 months if over 35% of the proceeds are in domestic equity shares. For business trust and other units, the holding period is 36 months under the same conditions.
  • Effective from 1 April 2023 onwards, if a UTI unit, business trust, and other units invest 35% or less of its total proceeds in the equity shares of domestic companies, it will always be classified as a short-term capital asset
  • The corrigendum includes market-linked debentures in the classification of short-term capital assets starting from 1 April 2024 onwards.
  • Regarding SFT in depository transactions, the corrigendum specifies that for each debit transaction, the matching credit should be identified using the First in First Out (FIFO) method. The estimated acquisition cost for the credit should be calculated using the weighted average price of the asset. This involves considering the actual transaction value if the purchase was made after 1 February 2018, or the end-of-day price if the purchase was made before that date, as available with the depository. The corrigendum further clarifies that the estimated acquisition cost is considered NIL for off-market purchases, corporate actions, or any transactions outside the Exchange. Additionally, IPO credits will be regarded as market credits, with the acquisition cost calculated using the formula ‘number of allotted shares x per unit price at the time of allocation.
  • Agreement between India & Saint Vincent & the Grenadines for exchange of information & collection of taxes. An agreement for the exchange of information was signed between the Government of India and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines on 19 May 2022. The said agreement was entered into force on 14 February 2023 and notified by the Central Government on 1 November 2023.

Goods & Services Tax

As per Notification No. 52/2023–Dated  26/10/2023 The Central Government on the recommendation of the council makes the following amendments in CGST Rules 2017 namely—

  • The value of the supply of services by a supplier to a recipient who is a related person, by way of providing a corporate guarantee to any banking company or financial institution on behalf of the said recipient, shall be deemed to be one percent of the amount of such guarantee offered, or the actual consideration whichever is higher.
  • In Rule 142, the words “proper officer shall issue an order”, and the words “proper officer shall issue an intimation” shall be substituted, and in Rule 159 the words “or on expiry of a period of one year from the date of issuance of an order whichever is earlier,” shall be inserted.
  • In Form GST REG-01 a clause shall be inserted – “One Person company”
  • Order of cancellation of registration as Tax deductor/Collector at Source classified in Form REG-08.
  • Amendments in Form GSTR-8 – Statement for Tax Collection at Source.
  • Amendments in Form PCT-01 – Application for Enrolment as GST Practitioner.

As per Circular No. 202/14/2023-Dated 27/10/2023, It provides clarification related to exports of services through the Vostro account for consideration of supply under section 2(6) of the IGST act 2017.

  • For settlement of trade transactions with any country, AD Bank in India may open a Special Rupee Vostro Accounts of correspondent bank/s of the partner trading country. In order to allow settlement of international trade transactions through this arrangement, it has been decided that:
  • Indian importers undertaking imports through this mechanism shall make payment in INR which shall be credited into the Special Vostro account of the correspondent bank of the partner country, against the invoices for the supply of goods or services from the overseas seller /supplier.
  • Indian exporters, undertaking exports of goods and services through this mechanism, shall be paid the export proceeds in INR from the balances in the designated Special Vostro account of the correspondent bank of the partner country.”
  • Invoicing, payment, and settlement of exports and imports are also permissible in INR subject to compliances as under RBI’s A.P.

As per Circular No. 203/15/2023-Dated 27/10/2023, It provides clarification on the Place of Supply in the case of Exports under section 13 of the IGST Act 2017, Representations have been received from the trade and field formations seeking clarification on certain issues concerning the determination of place of supply in case of –

  • Place of supply in case of a supply of service of transportation of goods, including through mail and courier, in cases where the location of the recipient of services is available, the place of supply of such services shall be the location of the recipient of services and in cases where the location of the recipient of services is not available in the ordinary course of business, the place of supply shall be the location of supplier of service.
  • Place of supply in case of supply of services in respect of advertising sector- (i) There may be a case wherein there is supply of space or supply of rights to use the space on the hoarding/structure (immovable property) belonging to vendor to the client then the place of supply would be the location where such hoarding/ structure is located.

(ii) There may be another case where the advertising company wants to display its advertisement on hoardings/billboards at a specific location availing the services of the vendor. Therefore, such services provided by the Vendor to the advertising company are purely in the nature of advertisement services in respect of which the Place of Supply shall be determined in terms of Section 12(2) of the IGST Act.

  • Place of supply in case of supply of the “co-location services”- the place of supply of the colocation services shall be determined by the default place of supply provision under sub-section (2) of Section 12 of the IGST Act i.e., location of the recipient of co-location service.

However, in cases where the agreement between the supplier and the recipient is restricted to providing physical space on rent along with basic infrastructure without components of Hosting and IT Infrastructure provisioning services, the place of supply shall be the location of immovable property.

As per Circular No. 204/16/2023-DATED 27-10-2023 It deals with taxability and valuation of the activity of providing corporate guarantee by a related person to banks/financial institutions for another related person, as well as by a holding company in order to secure credit facilities for its subsidiary company.

  • The activity of providing personal guarantee by the Director to the banks/ financial institutions for securing credit facilities for their companies is to be treated as a supply of service, even when made without consideration, the taxable value of such supply of service shall be the open market value of such supply.
  • The activity of providing corporate guarantee by a holding company to the bank/financial institutions for securing credit facilities for its subsidiary company, even when made without any consideration, is also to be treated as a supply of service the taxable value will be determined as per rule 28 of CGST Rules.

As per Circular No. 205/17/2023- DATED 31-10-2023, It provides clarification on the GST rate on imitation Zari thread or yarn based on the recommendation of the GST council in its 52nd meeting held on 7-10-2023 The GST Council has recommended clarifying that imitation Zari thread or yarn made from metalized polyester film/plastic film falling under HS 5605 are covered by Sl. No. 218AA of Schedule I attracting 5% GST. The GST Council has also recommended that no refund will be permitted on polyester film (metalized)/plastic film on account of the inversion of the tax rate.

As per Circular No. 206/18/2023-GST -Dated 31-10-2023 The clarifications with reference to GST levy, related to the following issues are being issued through this circular.

  • The input services in the same line of business include the transport of passengers or renting of motor vehicles with the operator and not leasing of motor vehicles without the operator which attracts GST and/or compensation cess at the same rate as a supply of motor vehicles by way of sale.
  • When electricity is being supplied bundled with renting of immovable property and/or maintenance of premises, as the case may be, it forms a part of the composite supply and shall be taxed accordingly. The principal supply is the renting of immovable property and/or maintenance of the premise, and the supply of electricity is ancillary.
  • Job works services with the manufacture of malt are covered under “job work concerning all food and food products falling under chapters 1 to 22 of the customs tariff” irrespective of the end use of that malt and attract 5% GST and not 18% under job work concerning alcoholic liquor.
  • It is clarified that DMFTs set up by the State Governments are Governmental Authorities and thus eligible for the same exemptions from GST as available to any other Governmental Authority.
  • Supply of pure services and composite supplies by way of horticulture/horticulture works (where the value of goods constitutes not more than 25 percent of the total value of supply) made to CPWD are eligible for exemption from GST.

As per Notification No. 53/2023- DATED- 2-11-2023 It Provides special for the class of persons who failed to file an appeal against the order passed by the proper officer under sections 73 and 74 within the prescribed time limit the said person shall file an appeal against the the said order in FORM GST APL-01 per sub-section (1) of Section 107 of the said Act, on or before the 31st day of January 2024-

  • After submitting such part of the amount of tax, interest, fine, fee, and penalty arising from the impugned order, as is admitted by him, or;
  • A sum equal to 12.5% of the remaining amount of tax in dispute arising from the said order, subject to a maximum of 25 crore rupees, out of which at least twenty percent should have been paid by debiting from the Electronic Cash Ledger.

No appeal under this notification shall be admissible for a demand not involving tax and no refund will be processed until the appeal is disposed-off.

As per Notification No. 54/2023- DATED 17-11-2023 Section 25 of the Central Goods and Services Tax act, 2017, read with rule 8 of the Central Goods and Services Tax rules, 2017 – registration – procedure for – specified states or union territories for the words, “State of Gujarat and the State of Puducherry”, the words “States of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Puducherry” shall be substituted.

Companies Act, 2013/LLP Act, 2008

SBOs behind LLPs are all set to surface

The new LLP SBO rules, akin to what companies currently, follow, introduce a similar framework for Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). This means that LLPs will now be required to adhere to SBO declarations and maintain registers, just like companies. The objective remains the same i.e. to ensure transparency and accountability by identifying and disclosing the individuals who ultimately hold the beneficial interest and steer the decision-making within LLPs. The idea is to uncover the intricate networks of holdings and cross-holdings, a practice commonly employed to hide the identity of the individual (s) owning an entity.

MCA appoints the date of enforcement for Section 5 of the Companies (Amendment) Act,2020

Ministry of Corporate Affairs appoints 30th October 2023 as the date of enforcement for Section 5 of the Companies (Amendment) Act,2020 relating to the amendment of Section 23 (Public officer and private placement) of the Companies Act,2013.


RBI issues Master Direction (Non-Banking Company – Scale Based Regulation)  Directions, 2023

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued the much-awaited Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Non-Banking Financial Company – Scale Based Regulation) Directions, 2023 (MD) on 19 October 2023. The MD has been issued in supersession of the existing Master Directions Systemically Important and Non-Systemically Important NBFCs.

RBI has followed a streamlined approach by consolidating the provisions of the Master Directions applicable to Systemically and Non-Systemically important NBFCs, certain provisions of the Scale Based Regulatory Framework for NBFCs, and the related circulars released by the RBI periodically, into one single Master Direction. All the NBFCs, except the expressly exempt ones shall be governed by this MD.

RBI has established a layered approach with incremental obligations being assigned to each layer, as the NBFC progresses based on its asset size, scale of activity, and perceived riskiness. For ease of reference, the MD is divided into sections applicable to different categories of NBFCs, viz. NBFC-Base Layer, NBFC-Middle Layer, NBFC-Upper Layer, etc. depending upon size and function.


SEBI Board Meeting: Key Approvals for Social Stock Exchange, Index Providers & Real Estate Investments

The SEBI Board’s recent decisions mark a significant shift in regulatory dynamics, aiming to foster transparency, inclusivity, and investor protection. These changes not only reflect SEBI’s commitment to adapt to evolving market needs but also set the stage for a more robust and responsive securities market in India. Investors, NPOs, and market participants can anticipate a more flexible and dynamic landscape with these forward-thinking regulatory adjustments.

Disclaimer: Information in this note is intended to provide only a general update on the subjects covered. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. KNM accepts no responsibility for loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this publication. Updates are till the period 26 November 2023.

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